Restrepo (Official Trailer)
FIONA BANNER -- A short piece, Fiona Banner's Tate Britain Christmas Tree, 2007 is on YouTube is here.
NINA BERMAN -- A short video, "Distorted American Dream: Nina Berman's Homeland Series," is here.
STEVE MUMFORD -- A brief interview with artist Steve Mumford, "Steve Mumford on war and its metaphors," from PBS is available via YouTube here.
GERHARD RICHTER -- Robert Storr discusses Gerhard Richter's work and the painting "September" in a video (19 min. 21 sec.) that is posted on Richter's website. It can be accessed here.
"Baghdad and Beyond: Drawings by Steve Mumford." Tufts University, Koppelman Gallery, September 8—November 19 , 2006
- Arnold, Gordon. The Afterlife of America's War in Vietnam. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006.
- Banner, Fiona. All the World's Fighter Planes. London: Vanity Press, 2004.
- Banner, Fiona. The Nam. London: Vanity Press, 1997.
- Berkowitz, Daniel A. Social Meanings of News. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1997.
- Berkowitz, Daniel. Social Meanings of News. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1997.
- Beltramini, Guido, ed. Andrea Palladio and the Architecture of Battle: With the Unpublished Edition of Polybius' Histories. tr. David Kerr. Venice and New York: Marsillo, 2009.
- Bradbury, Leonie. Rob Roy: Global Signatures. Beverly, MA: Montserrat College of Art, 2005.
- Brandon, Laura. Art and War. London: I.B.Tauris, 2006.
- Buchel, Christopher and Giovanni Carmine. PSYOP Post - 9/11 Leaflets. Zurich: JRP|Ringier. 2005.
- Danchev, Alex. On Art and War and Terror. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009.
- Connelly, Mark and David Welch, eds. War and the Media: Reportage and Propaganda, 1900-2003. New York : I. B. Tauris, 2005.
- Di Tommaso, Francis Testimony to War : Art From the Battlegrounds of Iraq. New York: Visual Arts Museum at the School of Visual Arts, 2008.
- Douglas, Mary. How Institutions Think. Syracuse, N.Y. :Syracuse University Press, 1986.
- Douglas, Mary. Risk and Blame : Essays in Cultural Theory. New York : Routledge, 1992.
- Edelman, Murray. The Symbolic Uses of Politics. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1964.
- For the Record: Searching for Objectivity in Global Conflict. Beverly, MA: Montserrat College of Art, 2011.
- Geetrz, Clifford. The Interpretation fo Cultures. New York: Basic Books, 1973.
- Lowy, Benjamin. Iraq Perspectives. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011.
- Megill, Allan. Rethinking Objectivity. Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 1994.
- Mumford, Steve. Baghdad Journal: An Artist in Occupied Iraq. Montreal: Drawn & Quarterly, 2005.
- Novick, Peter. That Noble Dream: The "Objectivity Question" and the American Historical Profession. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
- Rabb, Theodore K. The Artist and the Warrior. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011.
- Richter, Gerhard. Gerhard Richter: War Cut. Köln : Walther König, 2004.
- Ristelhueber, Sophie. Aftermath; Kuwait, 1991. London: Thames and Hudson, 1992.
- Ristelhueber, Sophie. Fait. London: Thames and Hudson, 1992.
- Ristelhueber, Sophie. West Bank. London: Thames and Hudson, 2005.
- Ristelhueber, Sophie. Operations. London: Thames and Hudson, 2009.
- Ristelhueber, Sophie and Cheryl Brutyan. "Sophie Ristelhuebar: Details of the World." Boston: MFA Publications, 2001.
- Schön, Donald A. and Martin Rein. Frame Reflection. New York: Basic Books, 1995.
- Schudson, Michael. Discovering the News : A Social History of American Newspapers. New York : Basic Books, 1978.
- Shakespeare, William. Coriolanus. [Various editions]
- Storr, Robert and Gerhard Richter. Gerhard Richter, October 18, 1977. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2002.
- Storr, Robert and Gerhard Richter. October 18, 1977. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2002.
- Storr, Robert, and Gerhard Richter. September: A History Painting by Gerhard Richter. London: Tate, 2010. [Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Harry N. Abrams]
- Ward, S.A. The Invention of Journalism Ethics: The Path to Objectivity and Beyond. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004.
- Wilkes Tucker, Anne, Will Michels, and Liam Kennedy.WAR/PHOTOGRAPHY: Images of Armed Conflict and its Aftermath. Houston: Museum of Fine Arts, 2012
- Zella, Robbin. Icons for a New Century: Matt Ernst and Rob Roy. Bridgeport, CT: Housatonic Museum of Art, 2005.
- Arnold, Gordon "Who has time for art and culture?" Beverly Citizen. May 3, 2011.
- Arnold, Gordon. "Cuộc chiến Việt Nam và chính giới Mỹ." BBC Vietnamese Service, 2008. [Internet resource]
- Baker, Kenneth. "Picturing war: Artist Steve Mumford went to Iraq armed with pen and paint." San Francisco Chronicle. September 18, 2005.
- Brown, Mark. "Saatchi Gallery Hosts Emily Prince's Drawings of 5,218 U. S. War Dead." The Guardian (January 7, 2007).
- Cockrell, Cathy. "A Map Formed by Faces of the Fallen." UC Berkley News (June 7, 2007).
- Finel-Honigman, Ana. "Not Specifically Political." Sculpture (June 2006) pp. 30-35 [Interview with Ben Langlands and Nikki Bell]
- Franklin, Ruth. "His Worst Fault Might Be His Refusal to Speak Anything Less Than Exactly What Hr Believes." The New York Times Magazine. January 22, 2012.
- Gamson, William A. "News as framing." American Behavioral Scientist. November 1989. (vol. 33, no.2) pp. 157-161.
- Gamson, William, A., D. Croteau, and W Hoynes. "Media images and the social construction of reality." Annual Review of Sociology. Vol. 18, 1992. pp.373-393.
- Gopnik, Blake. "Disappearing Before Our Eyes." Newsweek (September 12, 2011) p. 63.
- Greenblatt, Stephen "A Man of Principle." New York Review of Books. (March 8, 2012, pp. 4 & 6).
- Herbert, Martin "Post War" Artforum. (May 2007) pp. 57 & 57.
- Holden, Stephen. "Watch Your Back, Even in the Family." New York Times (May 31, 2013), p. C 10.
- Hopkins, Randi. " War Paint." The Boston Phoenix (October 27, 2006) p.23.
- Howard, Jennifer. "In Jefferson Lecture, Drew Faust Traces the F1scination of War, From Homer to Bin Laden." The Chronicle of Higher Education. May 2, 2011.
- Hromack, Sarah. "What It Is: A Conservation with Jeremy Deller." Art in America (March, 2009).
- Johnson, Ken. " The Tug of War." The Boston Globe (October 27, 2006) pp.C1 & C16
- Johnson, Ken. "Unfiltered Images: Turning Perceptions Upside Down." New York Times, (August 26, 2011) p. C22. [on Harun Farocki]
- Johnson, Ken. "Savagery, Mulled In Airy Precincts" The New York Times (May 17, 2013), pp. C 17 & C 19.
- Jones, Jonathan. "How Artist Jeremy Deller is Bringing the Iraq War Home to Americans." The Guardian (April 13, 2009).
- Kino, Carol. "Intense Seeker of Powerful Elegance" New York Times. (January 31, 2010) p. 21.
- Krstich, Vesna. "On the Road Again with Jeremy Deller: Conservations About Iraq." Art Papers (July/August, 2009) pp. 18-2.
- Lowy, Benjamin and Mogelson, Luke "Life During Wartime." New York Times Magazine (October 23, 2011), pp. 53-55.
- Mogelson, Luke and Lowry, Benjamin. "Bad Guys vs. Worse Guys in Afghanistan." New York Times. (October 20, 2011).
- Myrick, Howard A. “The search for objectivity in journalism,” USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education).
- "Post 9/11 wars take toll on lives and budget: study." Deutsche-Welle. July 4, 2011.
- Rothstein, Edward "Visions and Voices of a Nation Divided." New York Times (January 10, 2013, pp.C31 & C39).
- Saltz, Jerry. "Richter's earthquake: The German master deploys ultrapowerful technique to evoke 9/11." New York Magazine. November 29, 2009.
- Scott, A.O. "Apolitics and the War Film." New York Times (February 7, 2010) Arts & Leisure, pp, 1 & 6.
- Serafin, Amy. "A Specialist In Ravaged Leftovers Of Humanity." New York Times (October 28, 2001). [Article about Sophie Ristelhueber]
- Shudson, Michael. “The objectivity norm in American journalism,” Journalism, 2:2 (2001): 160-161.
- Smith, Evan. "Trauma & Elegy, Ten Years Later." Art New England (September/October 2011) p. 11.
- "Sophie Ristelhueber: photographs at the Jeu de Paume." The Guardian. February 26, 2009.
- Spears, Dorothy, "Queen and Country." Art Papers. (January/February 2008) pp.37-39. [about UK artist Steve McQueen]
- Thorn-Prikker, Jan. "A Picture is Worth 216 Newspaper Articles." New York Times (July 4, 2004)Arts & Leisure, pp. 1, 26 & 27. [Interview with Gerhard Richter]
- Wallenberg, Christopher. "Bard Attack." Boston Sunday Globe (February 12, 2012), pp. N 9 & N 12.
- Watts, Kristen Joy. "Lens: Behind the Scenes: A Different Battleground." [Article about Benjamin Lowy]. New York Times. Multimedia. September 28, 2009.
- Woodward, Richard B. "War/Photography: Images of Armed Conflict and its Aftermath." The Wall Street Journal (December 19, 2012), p. D6.
- Zak, Dan. "It is What It Is: An Interactive US-Iraq Exhibit on Wheels." Washington Post (March 27, 2009).
- Coriolanus. Directed by Ralph Fiennes (2011)
- Gunner Palace. Directed by Michael Tucker and Petra Epperlein (2003)
- The Hurt Locker. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow (2008)

- The Hurt Locker. (Official Trailer)
- Restrepo. Directed by Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington (2010)

Restrepo (Official Trailer)
"It Is What it is: Conversations About Iraq. A Project by Jeremy Deller", . (Web site)
FIONA BANNER -- A short piece, Fiona Banner's Tate Britain Christmas Tree, 2007 is on YouTube is here.
NINA BERMAN -- A short video, "Distorted American Dream: Nina Berman's Homeland Series," is here.
STEVE MUMFORD -- A brief interview with artist Steve Mumford, "Steve Mumford on war and its metaphors," from PBS is available via YouTube here.
GERHARD RICHTER -- Robert Storr discusses Gerhard Richter's work and the painting "September" in a video (19 min. 21 sec.) that is posted on Richter's website. It can be accessed here.
"Baghdad and Beyond: Drawings by Steve Mumford." Tufts University, Koppelman Gallery, September 8—November 19 , 2006
- Page last updated 6/17/2013